Drinking coffee has been linked to a lot of health benefits because of its high levels of beneficial nutrients and antioxidants. Studies have shown drinking coffee results in improved cognitive function, increased fiber intake, and a lower risk of some diseases. It is these benefits that have seen more people consume coffee every day with coffee aficionados drinking more coffee than anyone else.
When you like two things, it’s natural to want to put them together, especially when it comes to food. That’s the case with peanut butter and jelly, milk and cookies, and cheesy potatoes. So with 54% of people drinking coffee daily, it makes sense to see what can be combined with that morning cup of Joe.
But, besides these health benefits, there are even more interesting facts about coffee. How many facts do you know about this beverage that has remained nectar of the gods to many?
Keep reading to learn some exciting facts about coffee.
Nutritional Coffee Facts
- Macronutrients and micronutrients – Black coffee contains no significant amounts of macronutrients (fat, carbohydrate, and protein). It only contains 1-2 kcal per 100ml. But it contains some micronutrients such as potassium, niacin, magnesium, manganese, and riboflavin.
- Coffee contains caffeine, diterpenes, and antioxidants, which contribute not only to the unique flavors but also to the physiological effects of coffee.
- Milk, Cream and sugar – Adding sugar, cream, milk, and other sweeteners affect the final nutritional value of coffee. For example, your final brew may have more calorie content.
- Hydration – A cup of coffee contributes to daily fluid balance. Black coffee contains an excess of 95% water. Research has shown when consumed in moderation; it does not result in dehydration.
- Contains essential nutrients – Each time you grab a cup of coffee, you get many nutrients. These essential nutrients include vitamin B5, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, manganese, and potassium.
- Increase your fiber intake – Brewed coffee contains soluble fiber, the roughage found in apples, and oatmeal that aids digestion.
- Rich source of antioxidants – Every cup of java you take is loaded with tons of powerful antioxidants that benefit your body in many ways. For example, they can disarm free radicals in your body, protecting you from many diseases and against aging.
Coffee Health Facts
Here are health facts why you should continually enjoy your morning cup of java.
- Reduces the risk of some serious diseases – Studies have shown that drinking coffee often lowers the risk of some diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, and certain types of cancer. Additionally, it helps protect your liver from some bugs and gout in men.
- Improve your physical performance -Caffeine not only increases adrenaline levels in your blood but also breaks down body fat into fatty acids, which fuel your body. As a result, coffee improved your physical performance.
- Lower the risk of Multiple Sclerosis – Research has shown that taking at least four cups of coffee every day can help prevent the development and reoccurrence of Multiple Sclerosis. [ **]
- Coffee aid fat burning – Studies have shown caffeine in coffee boosts metabolic rate by 3-11%. That is why caffeine is present in almost every commercial fat burning supplement in the market today. If you are obese or looking to cut weight, you will benefit a lot by drinking coffee.
- Protects against periodontal diseases – Drinking coffee has some protective benefits for your gum. Coffee does not promote gum disease.
- Improve your energy levels and concentration – Drinking coffee makes you feel less tired and more energetic. This is because caffeine, which is psychoactive, binds to Adenosine receptors in the brain, making sure you stay alert and awake. Adenosine is the one that makes you feel tired and sleepy.
- Black coffee prevents cavities – Studies show that that strong black coffee kills the bacteria on teeth that promote tooth decay.
- Drinking coffee helps you solve problems – Drinking coffee gives your brain a significant boost, making it easier to figure things out seamlessly.
- Helps your hair grow – Findings published by the International Journal of Dermatology showed that caffeine is a potential hair growth stimulant for men with androgenetic alopecia.
- Suppress your appetite – Caffeine suppresses your appetite, resulting in you eating less.
- Helps you live longer – The fact coffee lovers are less likely to get many serious diseases means they are more likely to live longer.
- Coffee improves your coordination – Drinking coffee enhances neuromuscular coordination. This makes your brain send messages to your muscles faster.
- Coffee makes your eyes less puffy – Placing used coffee on your under-eye area for about 15 minutes makes you look a little less tired. Caffeine constricts the blood vessels beneath your skin, reducing the swelling; hence you look more well and alive.
- Coffee helps get rid of cellulite – Coffee grounds combined with coconut oil help remove dimples. It is the caffeine in coffee that helps remove the dimples.
- Help tighten your skin – As you age, you will start to look droopy. Most people opt for face masks. But if you have coffee in the house, you will love how it will help tighten your skin. Just mix it with coconut oil for the best experience.
- Reduces the risk of digestive diseases – Findings published by the Annals of Internal Medicine of more than 521,000 people and ten countries, revealed that coffee lovers have a low risk of dying from digestive diseases.
- Reduces the risk of melanoma – According to the American Association for Cancer Research, drinking coffee can help reduce the risk of melanoma.
Coffee Consumption Facts and Statistics

- Discovered by a goat herder – It is believed that the coffee was discovered by a goat herder who noticed that goats became extremely energetic after eating specific berries.
- Second traded commodity in the world – Coffee comes second after crude oil. This is because it is a nectar of the gods for billions of coffee aficionados.
- Brazil is the largest coffee producer – One-third of the world’s coffee comes from Brazil, and most of the world’s espresso beans also originate here. In 2018, Brazil produced 28% of the coffee consumed globally, making it far and away from the world’s largest coffee producer.
- Finland consumes the most coffee in the world – Finnish people drink more coffee than any nation in the world. Eight or nine cups a day is normal in the country, with some consuming more. On average, Finland drinks around 12 kg per capita per year.
- Divorce because of awful coffee – In ancient Arab culture, it was common for a woman to divorce her husband if he didn’t like her coffee.
- National coffee day – This day is observed on September 29th. It is the best time to enjoy a complimentary cappuccino, latte, espresso, Frappuccino, or a subsidized blend in most restaurants, bars, and cafes.
- Only two states in America grow coffee – Hawaii and California are the only states in America that grow coffee. Hawaii has the perfect conditions for coffee and produces some of the finest coffee beans in the world. Although conditions in California do not favor coffee production, farmers have invented ways to help coffee thrive.
- 45% of coffee drinkers in the US use drip coffee makers – Statistics about coffee consumption in the US in 2018 report that drip coffee makers and single-cup brewers were the most popular methods for making coffee.
- Coffee beans are only called beans because of the resemblance. They’re actually berries.
- Coffee can lower the risk of death from diseases by 10%. – Drinking has been linked to reducing the risk of some diseases such as cancer, type 2 diabetes, and Parkinson’s disease.
- Arabica is the most consumed coffee – All commercial coffee comes from two types of coffee beans: Arabica and Robusta. With about 70% of the world’s coffee production from Arabica beans, there is a good chance your coffee came from that bean. If you prefer blends or instant coffee, it’s likely your coffee came from the Robusta bean.
- California has the highest number of baristas: 60,940 – New York follows next with more than 35,000 baristas, then Texas with over 31,00, and Washington, with over 22,000. On average, a barista in California makes 412 per hour.
- In Italy, baristas train for 2 to 3 years for their job – To master how to brew perfect specialty coffee blends, takes some time. That why baristas train for that long.
- Europe covers 30% of the world’s coffee market – Europe boasts of not only having the largest global coffee market but also having the most coffee lovers in the world.
- Multiple people have tried to ban coffee – In 1511, coffee was banned in mecca because it was believed to stimulate radical thinking and idleness. In the 16th century, Italian clergymen also tried to ban coffee because they thought it was satanic.
- Coffee helped Olympic athletes – In 1932 brazil did not have enough money to send its athletes to the Olympics. The athletes were forced to sell coffee to fund the trip.
- Lethal dose – Two or four cups of coffee will not hurt your health. But if you consume about 80 to 100 cups, that is lethal.
- Coffee cold extends your cat’s life – The oldest cat, 38, according to Guinness World Record, drank coffee every morning of her little life.
- Coffee into biodiesel – Scientists have managed to turn ground coffee into biodiesel successfully. So one day doesn’t be surprised when coffee fuels your car.
- About 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed every day across the globe.
- The average age of a barista in Italy is 48 years old.
Some More General Coffee Facts
Some common general facts were not covered in the above sections.
- Ristretto, espresso, iced coffee, Americano, black coffee, and long black coffee are simple, made with espresso, water, and espresso or coffee and water. Replace water with milk foam or steamed milk, and you’ve got a macchiato or flat white, respectively. Turn your flat white into a mocha by adding chocolate syrup and whipped cream.
- A cappuccino combines steamed milk and foam with espresso, but if you add more milk than foam, you’ll have a latte. If you’re out on the town, order an Irish coffee. It’s made with coffee, sugar, heavy cream, and Irish whiskey. Once you find your favorite type of coffee, you’ll want to make sure you are using the best type of mug or cup.
- If you want to have your coffee on the go, a double-walled metal coffee cup is right for you because it keeps the coffee hot, has a lid, and prevents burns. Porcelain and ceramic mugs also keep the coffee warm but don’t hold a lot. A traditional mug of coffee is 2-3 times larger than a demitasse but comes in porcelain, ceramic, or earthenware. There are some less expensive options, but you’ll have to decide if their environmental impact is worth it.
- Paper coffee cups are produced by cutting down 20 million trees.
- Styrofoam cups are made from non-renewable petroleum and take 500 years to break down in a landfill. Plastic cups are rejected by most recycling programs.
- Both paper and plastic cups can leach chemicals into your drink, while Styrofoam is considered carcinogenic. Those risks don’t seem worth the savings.
- Another fact is about Keurig – most or the majority of the profit to the company comes from the sale of K-Cups. So even after buying a Keurig coffee brewer, you are still a regular customer when buying K-Cups.
- People assume that dark roasts have more caffeine, but that’s completely the opposite. More caffeine breakdown results when the coffee is roasted stronger and dark whereas, if it is roasted light, more caffeine stays in. And that’s why the weight of dark roast beans is lower than the lighter ones. You can check this weight fact right away if you have some roaster equipment at home.
- Dunkin’ Donuts brought us apple pie coffee, Starbucks provided Guinness Draft coffee, and at CoffeeAM, you can pick up that spicy taco coffee. Keurig and Nespresso provide the most variety of flavors in form of K-cups and capsules.
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Why do most people drink coffee?
Most people drink coffee to feel energized and to stay awake. It is the caffeine in coffee that gives them that extra energy and keeps them awake. Again, coffee has become a social drink, and people consume it in various social meet-ups.
Which country is the largest producer of coffee?
Brazil is the largest producer of coffee in the world today. In 2016, Brazil produced 2,595,000 metric tons of coffee beans. Vietnam and Columbia follow it.
Is coffee good for your health?
Coffee has been linked to many health and nutritional benefits despite a few hiccups associated with taking excess coffee. If you consume the right amount of coffee, you have a guarantee to reap all the good benefits.
Which is the most expensive coffee in the world?
There are several expensive brands in the market. Currently, the most expensive coffee in the world is Kopi luwak. The main factor behind its high price is the unique method of producing it.
Wrap Up
There are many reasons why coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. Statistics clearly show that coffee continues to remain the nectar of the gods. The good news is that, if you enjoy it moderately, you are guaranteed to enjoy unlimited benefits.
Hopefully, you have discovered some new facts about coffee you did not know. It is always a good idea to learn something new every day.
Do you feel we have skipped some interesting facts? If yes, let us know in the comment section below. We will be happy also to learn more from you.