Every steaming cup of coffee you hold in your hand carries with it a memory of its motherland. So when you grind those beans and when you brew your morning dose of caffeine, then settle down into that first sip, you’re getting a slice of the soil, a whisper of the weather, and a sliver of the culture from where the beans are born.
The beans from Costa Rica are known amongst the community as being some of the best coffee brands on the shelves today. We’re here to walk down the path the little brown bean took through the map of Costa Rica towards the rest of the world.
About Costa Rican Coffee
Costa Rica Coffee History
Coffee coasted into Costa Rica almost two and a half centuries ago. The rain-forested country emerged as the first nation in the whole of Central America to establish a thriving coffee industry. The weather conditions and local terrain in the country made for the perfect blank sheet for coffee to thrive.
By the mid-1800s, the country’s government was working hard to encourage locals to get involved in coffee farming. They began offering farmers plots of land if they agreed to use them for coffee cultivation. They even made coffee one of the few commodities that were exempt from tithe payments.
After that, it didn’t take long for the coffee to take its seat as one of the primary sources of revenue for the country. By 1820 coffee grown in Costa Rica started leaving its shores towards other nations in Central and South America. By the 1900s, the chief coffee growers in the country were well-known people in society.
Coffee took its place of pride, generating more revenue for the country than other exports like tobacco and sugar. In fact, up to eleven percent of the money generated in the country through exports can trace its roots back to coffee.
Since the very first steps into the country, the people of Costa Rica have always acknowledged and respected the coffee bean for all that it has and continues to do for economic and social growth in the country.
Costa Rica Coffee Regions
Coffee grows most comfortably in areas with high altitudes and warm weather. The country ticks both those boxes and then some. While more than half the coffee in Costa Rica grows in the various mountainous regions in the country; broadly split, coffee is mostly from eight areas, each one of which brings forth its unique signature profile to the coffee leaving its farms.
Central Valley
This plateau served as ground zero. It’s the area where the first coffee farms took root when the brown bean made its maiden voyage into the country. The region has the clearest shifts between dry and wet seasons in the country and is sitting on rich volcanic soil. The Monte Crisol mix; a favorite of many coffee drinkers, calls the beans from this region their home. Doka Estate, a coffee producer that claims credit for creating some of the best Costa Rican coffee has had an estate on the Poas Volcano slopes region for a century.
Sitting next door to the Turrialba volcano; this coffee region enjoys the added nourishment and flavor that comes from volcanic ash being a key ingredient in the soil in which it grows.
The perfect humid climate with altitudes ranging between 800 – 1,200 meters in the region makes it the ideal cooking pot for Arabica coffee beans to flourish.
The star player of the country, Tarrazú is the home for over thirty-five percent of the coffee beans produced in the country. La Minita, one of the blends that have put Costa Rica on the global coffee map, originates in this region.
One of the greener regions in the country, the varied foliage and fruits growing along with the coffee in the area work their way into the flavor of the beans shipping out of the territory.
Tres Ríos
Closer to the coast, this region enjoys an altitude that surfs between 1,200 to 1,650 meters. It also counts the Irazu Volcano as its neighbor. The ash emitted from the volcano works its way into the soil, resulting in the perfect bed for coffee to thrive.
Standing tall in the north of the country, the altitude in the region aid in creating some truly tempting blends.
West Valley
A small region is not quite on the country’s radar yet. However, West Valley is the site that has over the years produced more than a few Cup of Excellence winners.
Characteristics of Costa Rican Coffee
While coffee born in Costa Rica all manifests the attributes associated with Arabica beans like being more light to medium-bodied and having complex flavor profiles with a crisp finish. The region in the country the beans call their home does play a role in determining a few of the flavor traits.
The beans originating from Tarrazu for example stand heavier on the acidic side, while Brunca offers up milder blends with hints of citrus flavor. The West Valley with its award-winning offerings presents smooth blends that hold a touch of toffee sweetness and finishes off with a floral fragrance. If you can taste stone fruits like peaches or apricot in your morning coffee, chances are high that the beans in the blend originate here. The blends that offer bold honey fragrances, and merge flavors of chocolate and varied fruit with a milder acidity branch out from the farms in Central Valley.
Tres Rios holds the monopoly for gourmet blends, targeting the coffee drinkers with more targeted tastes. The Irazu Volcano region has its neighboring volcano to thank for the plum, honey nut, and citrus tastes that bless their coffee beans. The region has been fondly christened the Bordeaux on account of the fine blends that exit the region. The coffee beans exiting the Orosi region of the country are very sought after for the intricately blanched smooth finish they offer.
All in all, Costa Rica manages to offer up a diverse range of flavor profiles that can suit any and all taste preferences. Guatemalan coffee, Colombian coffee, and coffee from Brazil though are larger coffee productions, but when it comes to the quality of beans, Costa Rican coffee tends to grab the top place.
Costa Rica is the sole coffee region in the whole world where it is literally illegal since 1989 to grow anything other than 100% Arabica coffee. The country follows something called the green coffee grading system. This method is different in varying countries. In Costa Rica, it is attitude-based and splits the coffee grown into categories based on the height they grow at. It also divides coffee beans based on the hardness of the beans. The slots they sit in are:
- Strictly Hard Beans (SHB) : These include all beans growing at a height above 3900 feet.
- Medium Hard Beans (MHB) : This slot incorporates all the coffee beans growing between 1,600 to 3,000 feet high.
- Good Hard Beans (GHB) : This group covers all the coffee growing around 3,300 to 3,900 feet high.
The country isn’t afraid of taking chances when it comes to its coffee production. They’re constantly working to come up with new unique variants of the bean. Some of their success stories include SL-28 and the geisha. Local researchers are even working on genetically modifying the beans growing at home. The result is variants like the Villa Sarchi and Venesia.
Growth and innovation is an important element through all the stages of coffee production in the country. Costa Rica is the country responsible for introducing the world to the honey processing method. The technique is a midway point between natural and washed processes. It gets growers to leave part of the fruit on the bean while it dries adding to the sweetness of the overall flavor.
The Best Costa Rican Coffee Bean Brands
With the sure volume of varieties leaving the shores of Costa Rica, it can be confusing to choose the coffee that’s right for you. In order to make your life just a little bit easier, we’re offering up the five names on the top of every coffee drinker’s list of favorite Costa Rican coffee.
1. Costa Rica La Minita – From the house of Oren’s Daily Roast
Roast: Medium Tasting Notes: Milk Chocolate, Honey, Plum
Incredible! This is how you could sound while having a cup of Oren’s Costa Rica LA Minita. Since its introduction to the U.S.A in 1988, Oren’s Daily Roast has managed to keep the quality of these beans elephantine. It’s farmed in the La Minita estate of Costa Rica at an elevation between 4,000 to7,000 feet. Additionally, it’s a Rainforest Certified coffee.
Balanced and full-bodied, the La Minita coffee thrills you with its chocolaty piquancy, making it the best pick for cold brews. The sweet flavors of orange citrus, caramelized sugar, and exquisite chocolate allow you to witness the smoothest coffee at its price range. It’s easy to brew, and you can avail yourself of this anytime during the day, whenever coffee tickles your mind.
However, Costa Rica LA Minita is low in terms of availability, but the quality acts as its flip side. The smooth, moreish, and toothsome characteristics manage to raise its adoration and popularity amongst coffee fanatics. In comparison to many other varieties claiming a chocolate flavor, the LA Minita stays unrivaled. Besides the subtle tones, pleasant acidity, and an even after taste, a single liner to compliment this is, undoubtedly, “a superb cup of coffee.”
Who is this for?
La Minita is meant for cold brew enthusiasts! Its one-of-a-kind honey & milk chocolate flavor has already managed to rule the kingdom of cold brew.
2. Costa Rica SWP Decaf – from Cooper’s Cask Coffee Company
Roast: Medium Taste Notes: Honey wheat, Bittersweet Chocolate, Molasses Biscuit
As we all know, the art behind every perfect coffee bean is the roasting procedure. Cooper’s Cask masters the art of roasting, which induces the production of a bold, smooth, and flavorful cup persistently.
The single-origin Costa Rican SWP ( Swiss Water Processed) Decaffeinated Single Origin Farm Gate medium roast coffee beans from the house of Cooper’s Cask come with outstanding vibrancy, state-of-the-art aromatic, and smooth full body flavor. The best part is, they don’t use any harsh chemicals to run the decaffeination; instead, they do it all with water.
When it comes to talking about their taste profiles, they are balanced and unique in their own way! A beautiful combination of honey wheat, bittersweet chocolate, molasses biscuit flavors awards them with the capacity of rendering heavenly pleasure in every sip.
Cooper’s Cask is amazingly authentic when it comes to taking care of the quality of Roast. They profile each lot of A1 grade, Organic, Fair Trade, or Farm Gate Coffee Beans to help you make the most out of your cup. Not only that, to meet the quality standards, they roast their premium coffee beans with the desired touch of artfulness in small batches. Naturally, this enables them to fully control the profile, resulting in a bold, smooth, flavorful cup.
Cooper’s Cask is robustly confident about the quality of the beans. In case, for any reason, the beans from Cooper’s can’t meet your expectation levels, they ask you to intimate them within 30 days from the day you’ve got the bag handed over, and they are open to initiate a refund!
Who’s This For?
People who’re following the decaffeination trend! Perfectly decaffeinated using water, Cooper’s Cask single-origin Coistarican coffee is the best choice for those looking for the ultimate pleasurable, bittersweet chocolate and molasses biscuit cup notes.
You might like to read: Best Decaf Coffee Brands
3. Peet’s Coffee Costa Rica
Roast: Dark Taste Notes: Lemon pie, Cocoa, Panela
Are you a single-origin lover? Here comes the perfect, full-bodied, true regional dark-roast, Costa Rican single-origin whole beans from Peet’s Coffee.
Costa Rica is known for its panoramic views and premium social and environmental standards. However, on top of all, the country is appreciated the most because of its world-class coffee beans. One of the most distinctive coffee lots among them is the single-origin dark roast ones. The vibrant outlook of these beans reflects the country’s revered culture.
The carefully selected beans are usually collected from the region of Tres Rios or Doka, located on the plateaus of the Poas volcano. Peet’s longstanding coffees partners, the Vargas family, acts as the hero behind the curtain by producing an exclusive, broad-shouldered cup that blooms from their extraordinary environmental or economical stewardship along with their intense agronomic skillfulness.
Peet’s Coffee’s Costa Rica Whole Bean variant meets the highest quality standards and comes with wonderful brightness and spicy cup notes.
Who is This for?
It’s the best choice for those who seek an enjoyable blend of pungent flavor and smokiness in their cup. A quick French hot chocolate coffee or a classic espresso serve lacks the touch of completion without these beans.
4. Volcanica Costa Rican Peaberry
When it comes to quality beans, Volcanica is among the top brands to serve 100% Arabica in several variants.
Roast: Medium Taste Notes: Floral, fruity, citrus
Striding through first on our list we have the single-origin, whole beans offered up by Volcanica. Like all the coffee in the country, these peaberry beans are hand-picked and bursting with flavor.
The coffee is grown with due consideration to both the people behind the scenes, as well as the soil the coffee is growing on. The blend is both Fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance Certified. It grows at an altitude of more than 5,200 feet at the La Isabela Estate, in the Tres Rios region of the country. The shade-grown beans when brewed result in a deliciously light cup. It carries tinges of sweet fruit and just a hint of bright citrus.
The coffee is roasted right to a medium brown, after which is immediately packed to preserve shelf life. The people at Volcanica are so sure you’re going to love what they have to offer. They’re providing a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.
Who is this for?
Anyone who’s looking for that “out-of-the-box” catch in his/her cup notes. Amazingly bright citrus and fruity notes make Volcanica Costa Rican Peaberry coffee the favorite of millennials.
5. Café Britt – Costa Rican Tres Rios
- SINGLE-ORIGIN COFFEE FROM TRES RÍOS - Medium roasted with...
- In- Country Roaster - Our coffee is picked, roasted, and...
- Carbon Neutrality - Café Britt has been certified carbon...
- Delivered Fresh to You- Premium whole bean coffee packaged...
Roast: Medium Taste Notes: Plum, allspice, and orange citrus
Coming in second is a name almost synonymous with Costa Rican coffee itself. For thirty-five years, Cafe Britt has been committed to bringing us the best coffee the country has to offer.
The company offers coffee growing in the celebrated Irazu Volcano region of the country. The volcanic ash that is part of the soil helps nourish and add flavor to the coffee as it grows. The result is a rewarding medium roast with delicately woven flavors of citrus, nuts, allspice, and sweet honey, with a punch of plum to pull it to the end.
The coffee is carefully sealed in a triple-layer aluminum bag after being roasted in order to guarantee freshness. If you’re not sure how to get the best out of this particular blend, the V60 method has proven to be the perfect match. It pulls out all the flavors from these beans for a truly rewarding cup.
Who is this for?
For those coffee lovers who are in search of distinct a taste profile in their cup that is highly worthy of praise. Perfect for your weekend get-togethers!
6. Fresh Roasted Coffee LLC
- CATURRA AND CATUAI VARIETALS. Grown at 1,300-1,600 meters....
- COFFEE FOR EVERYBODY - sustainably sourced and Proudly...
- All Our Coffees are Roasted in Our Environmentally Friendly...
Roast: Medium Taste Notes: Lemon, Peach, Honey, and Chocolate
Next in line, we have single-origin beans originating in the famed Tarrazú region of the country. Growing in farms that lie between 1,300-1,600 meters high, these beans fall into the category of strictly hard beans. The medium roast comes with a sweet mix of honey and chocolate flavors.
With due attention and respect to the impact of the activity on the environment, the beans are sustainably sourced. Once the beans are handpicked, they are roasted in an environmentally friendly loring roaster.
While it is best to grind the beans fresh at home just before you brew, the blend is also available in pre-ground packages in case you don’t have a grinder at home.
Who is this for?
It’s meant for those, who are looking for the perfect medium roast coffee with a balanced body featuring delicate notes. In addition, it’s the best pick for those, who consider themselves as part of the ‘crop-to-cup’ movement.
7. Cafe Britt Tarrazu Coffee
- In- Country Roaster - Our coffee is picked, roasted, and...
- Carbon Neutrality - Café Britt has been certified carbon...
- Delivered Fresh to You- Premium ground coffee packaged in...
Roast: Medium Taste Notes: Dark Chocolate & Grapefruit
Coming in to close our list is Cafe Britt once more. This time around, their blend originates in the region of Tarrazú. Offering a roast darker than the others on our list, this blend boasts a flavor profile highlighting the alluring flavors of cacao and grapefruit.
These high-mountain grown beans are certified as strictly hard beans along with being kosher and gluten-free. This means they are all hand-picked in farms that stand at a minimum height of 4,500 feet.
The fragrance of dark chocolate that raises as this coffee brew is so intoxicating. It can push even the most hardened tea drinker out there to convert to caffeine.
The beans are available in both wholes as well as pre-ground options. So if you don’t have a grinder at home, you don’t run the risk of missing out.
Who is this for?
For those who love to enjoy muted acidity with a lightly syrupy punch in every sip. Be it a day-started or a soothing late-night cup, Tarazzu gets you covered with all!
Best Methods to brew Costa Rican Coffee
So you’ve decided to bag yourself some coffee beans from the country of Costa Rica. Now, it’s finally time to get down to brewing. While there aren’t any hard and fast restrictions over which methods of brewing can and cannot be used, there are certain techniques that bring out the flavor better than others.
How you choose to brew your coffee can to an extent control the amount of flavor you’re able to pull from the beans. The method you choose will depend to an extent on the roast of the beans.
Chorreador Style
Also known as coffee in a sock, this apparatus has been used in Costa Rica for over two centuries. The name is an ode to the process of water trickling through the cloth bag that hangs above your mug. While there are a lot of newer methods of brewing that follow the same principles in a simpler manner, you can taste the difference by opting for the traditional method.
What You’re Going to Need
- Coffee – Bag yourself a sack of some Costa Rican coffee. It doesn’t have to be a Cup of Excellence winner, just whatever blend suits your palate best.
- Kettle – Preferably a gooseneck kettle as it would offer you the most control over the direction and flow rate of the water.
- Sock – A sock, all we ask is to make sure it is clean.

- A spoon for stirring
- A grinder – If you’ve managed to get your hands on whole beans, there’s nothing better than freshly grinding your coffee before you brew.
- A high wooden stand through which your sock will hang.
- Your favorite coffee mug that makes the coffee taste just a little bit extra special.
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What you Have to do
- Start by placing your coffee mug underneath the sock so anything pouring through can be directly collected inside.
- Freshly grind your coffee to a coarse consistency and place one tablespoon in the sock. If you simply have a packet of ground coffee and no grinder, measure a tablespoon and place it in the sock.
- For one cup of coffee, slowly pour 120 ml of hot water over the coffee grinds through the sock in a slow controlled circular motion.
- That’s it. All you’ve gotta do now is wait till the coffee stops dripping. Then sit back and sip at your traditional cup of Costa Rican coffee.
French Press
If you want to stick to an apparatus you are more familiar with, the French Press is a good option to fall back into. While there is an entire prism of flavors exiting the country, blends that boast of a balanced body with a medium-dark to dark roast are experienced as a great French Press coffee. If you’re grinding the coffee beans at home, just remember to opt for a coarse grind setting. The method works wonderfully, extracting all the bright flavors from the beans into your caffeinated drink.
Pour Over
Closer to the traditional Chorreador Style, pour-over methods of brewing work best with a lighter roast. A Chemex, V60, or even the Kalita Wave, would do the job brilliantly. If you’re opting for this method, the coffee grind needs to be in a medium-fine setting for the best results. You might have to have a few go’s before you work out the kinks to get it just right.
The medium roast blends offered up by Costa Rica work surprisingly well in an espresso. Locking in the right grind size is the key here. Play around a little, till you get the right fineness. Once you do, you will be able to pull an exceptional shot of espresso resulting in a surprisingly sweet flavor.
In The End
Coffee from Costa Rica holds a special place in the hearts of caffeine lovers all over the world. The people of Costa Rica are very aware of how much the tiny bean has done for them and their country. The coffee industry is responsible for employing ten percent of the country’s population, while the region doesn’t break any kind of global records in production.
After all, they contribute only close to one percent of the global coffee supply. What the country lacks in quantity it makes up for in quality. There are some true global treasures that the country has introduced to the world. What’s more, they’re always working to find and create something better and for that, we are forever grateful.
It is a contest held every year in countries all across the globe to recognize and acknowledge the highest quality coffees produced.
The country exports 90% of the coffee they grow. At last count, Costa Rica stood as the fifteenth highest coffee-producing country in the world
Coffee is harvested between August to January in Costa Rica.
Depending on the region the coffee is growing in, the beans are either washed, naturally processed or honey processed.
Costa Rican coffee grows at higher altitudes and thus takes longer to ripen which in contrast lowers the production quantity. This reason makes the growing of this coffee expensive.